Home » baice compare fellowship » Call For Application:British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Compare Fellowship 2020/2021

Call For Application:British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Compare Fellowship 2020/2021

by Omale Philip
British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Compare Fellowship 2020/2021

The British Association of International and Comparative Education is calling for applications to BAICE Compare Fellowship 2020-2021.

The BAICE ‘Compare Fellowship, which earnestly works to support activities of research, teaching and collaboration in the field. In order to maintain its significant global standing, as one of Compare’s missions is to develop the diversity of its authorship, and support underrepresented groups.

BAICE Compare Fellowship, to support early career academics from the Global South in disseminating their research and scholarship to a global audience. Compare is a leading journal of international and comparative education, publishing eight issues a year of high quality articles on diverse issues of educational policy and practice around the world.

Application Deadline

The application deadline for BAICE Compare Fellowship is June 1, 2020.


The value of the Compare Fellowship is a full financial support including:
accommodation and subsistence for the following activities:

  1. Attending and presenting at the UKFIET conference in Oxford, UK, in September 2021
  2. Attending the Compare writers’ workshop at the conference (a full-day course for early career researchers)
  3. 2-4 week duration stay at an institution in the UK following the conference (to carry out library research, attend academic events, and develop publication ideas with the guidance of a mentor)

Please Note: The BAICE conference in September 2020 has been cancelled, on account of the coronavirus pandemic. instead, the fellow will be invited to the UKFIET conference the following September, 2021).

Degree Level: Fellowship

While in their country of origin, On account of the coronavirus pandemic. The Compare Fellow will be expected to engage in the following activities:

  • Participating in e-mentoring
  • Developing an article for Compare
  • Facilitating the organization of activities to
    support academic writing for other academics in their institution/country
  • Participating in Compare as a reviewer

Requirements and Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for the BAICE Compare Fellowship 2020/21 are:

To be based currently in a university in a low-income country (according to the World Bank classification[1])

To have completed their doctoral degree within the last six years

To be teaching or researching in the field of education

Documentation Required

All Applicants are required to attach and send the following documents via email to compare@uea.ac.uk

  1. CV / resume (including qualifications, professional experience and publications)
  2. Supporting statement of 1000 words (outlining research interests, publication trajectory to date and future plans, and potential benefits of the fellowship for themselves and their institutions/countries)
  3. Abstract for a conference presentation on a research topic of their choice (300 words)

How to Apply for the BAICE Compare Fellowship 2020

Applications deadline: 1st June, 2020

If contact has already been made with a potential institution and mentor in the UK, then candidates should state this; however, it is not essential to have arranged this beforehand.

Application Procedure

Please ensure you read the given post carefully before beginning your application for Compare Fellowship

Need to Apply?

All applicants should send the above listed documents via email to compare@uea.ac.uk. If contact has already been made with a potential institution and mentor in the UK, then
candidates should state this; however, it is not essential to have arranged this beforehand.

Need More Information?

Get More details on the Fellowship officia website

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