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Institute of Current World Affairs (ICWA) Fellowship Programme 2020 for Young Professional

by Omale Philip
2020 ICWA Fellowship Programme

Application for 2020 ICWA Fellowship Programme is now open.  The Institute of Current World Affairs is interested in candidates with curiosity, enthusiasm, and ready for rapid personal growth that fellowship will offer.

Institute of Current World Affairs (ICWA) Fellowship advances deep knowledge of foreign countries and cultures. We achieve that by supporting fellows for two-year immersive programs of self-designed, independent research and writing abroad.

ICA Fellows will have extensive professional experience in a proposed area is not always necessary; fellowships are aimed at developing local knowledge and writing skills, not necessarily awarding research or reporting opportunities to those who already possess them. Strong candidates propose compelling fellowship topics.

Application Deadline

The application for ICWA Fellowship Programme closes December 15, 2020.

About ICA Fellowship

ICWA Fellowship advances deep knowledge of foreign countries and cultures. We achieve that by supporting fellows for two-year immersive programs of self-designed, independent research and writing abroad.


ICWA provides full financial support for its fellows and their immediate accompanying families. Fellows do not receive salaries; the institute gives them sufficient funding to cover their expenses, enabling them to fulfill the purposes of the fellowship and allowing them and their families (if accompanying the fellowship) to live in good health and reasonable comfort. “Full financial support” does not mean unlimited financial support; fellows are expected to live and spend modestly.

Selected Fellows should not expect to return to the United States during the two years of their fellowships. ICWA fellowships are immersive; a vital component of the fellowship experience is remaining without interruption in the area of study for the duration of a fellowship.

Fellows are not permitted to engage in overtly political activities during their fellowships. The institute does not accept any government funds. Fellows must preserve that independence in letter and in spirit.

Requirements and Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates must be under 36 years of age at the time of the due date for the initial letter of interest.
    US citizenship is not a requirement but candidates must show strong and credible ties to US society.
  • Applicants must have excellent written and spoken English-language skills and must have completed the current phase of their formal education. (We do not accept applications from currently enrolled undergraduate students.)
  • We expect candidates to have the necessary language skills to allow to them to carry out their proposed projects. That means enough language proficiency for them to be able to function in the local language within a few months of arriving in country.

How to Apply

Those interested in applying for an Institute of Current World Affairs Fellowship should send an initial letter of interest and resume or CV in English to the institute via email. (Post is also accepted.)

In your letter of interest, tell us what you would do if you had a two-year, self-designed fellowship overseas and why you’re the right person to carry it out. There is no fixed length for the letter of interest. Please indicate your age, as applicants must be under the age of 36 at the time the letter of interest is due.

The strongest applicants will be invited to submit a more detailed application.

Selected fellows are expected to depart for their fellowships within six months of their selection.

Please Note: Letters of interest for June 2021 appointments are due December 15, 2020.

We are unable to respond to all applications but will consider all those that fit our fellowship requirements.

Need to Apply?

Send your letter of interest and CV to Email: apply@icwa.org

For applications via post:
Institute of Current World Affairs
1818 N St. NW, Ste 460
Washington, DC 20036

Need More Information?

Get further details, visit the official website of the ICWA Fellowship Programme

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