Home » Fellowships » DAAD/NELGA Research Fellowships on COVID-19 Crisis for Young African Students

DAAD/NELGA Research Fellowships on COVID-19 Crisis for Young African Students

by Omale Philip
DAAD/NELGA Research Fellowships on COVID-19 Crisis

The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has forced the world into action. NELGA Research Fellowships invites application from young Africans students for research on COVID-19 implication during the crisis.

The NELGA’s Research Fellowship having received DAAD offers to support special research fellowship under the “Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA)” in the form of desk studies.

Young African Students with a good knowledge and background in land governance or a related field can apply for funding for the special NELGA Research Fellowships at COVID-19 pandemic period

About NELGA Research Fellowship

NELGA Research Fellowship programme recognizes the students and staff members from African region with DAAD support for the high quality research fellowship at NELGA partnership leading African universities and institutions with proven leadership in trainings, education and research on land governance.

NELGA main objectives are:

  • Enhancing training opportunities and curricula on land governance in Africa;
  • Promoting demand driven research on land policy issues;
  • Connecting scholars and researchers across Africa;
  • Creating data and information for monitoring and evaluation on land policy

Application Deadline

The Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) Research Fellowship during coronavirus (COVID-19) application closes by June 15, 2020.


The has a value covering a one-off research allowance of EUR 460.
The fellowship does not cover living expenses. It can only be awarded once per
year. The funds will be transferred to the fellowship holder’s personal bank

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Degree Level: Research Fellowship

Course Field/Program: Desk research on the COVID 19 implications for land governance institutions and systems. Research topics can be selected based on the most pressing questions and realities on the
ground. Potential topics can include, but are not limited to the

  • Consequences of COVID-19 on rural communities in Africa.
  • The Impacts of COVID-19 on Housing and Sanitation in Africa
  • Effects of COVID-19 on women’s housing, land, and property rights

Duration: The fellowship will be awarded for studies taking place in August 2020. The grant is non-renewable, a postponement is not possible. One month after the end of the fellowship the fellow must provide a detailed report on the implementation of
the study and its findings. The fellow may be invited to present the findings to an audience in a format to be determined.

Requirements and Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for MRIWA PhD Research Scholarship. Applicants must be

  • Be nationals of any African country
  • Student or staff member who have completed at least a first university degree (undergraduate) at a state
    or state-recognized institution of higher education;
  • Be a staff granted leave of absence by their home institution for the purpose of
    conducting a study.
  • Female applicants and candidates from less privileged

Documentation Required

The following documents are to be submitted:

  1. Curriculum Vitae, including list of publications (if applicable);
  2. Detailed description of the research proposal and a description of previous
    research work (max. 10 pages);
  3. Schedule of planned research work;
  4. All university certificates received so far on all annual examinations with
    individual grade(s), incl. explanation of grading system;
  5. One recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications.

Please Note: Applications for the NELGA research fellowships may be submitted throughout
the year. For this specialized call we invite you to apply before the 15th of June
2020. The fellowship will be awarded for August 2020.

How to Apply to NELGA Research Fellowships

You need to apply for this research fellowships – Online Application through the DAAD website (Link can be found below).

the application steps are

Application Procedure

Applications for the NELGA research fellowships may be submitted throughout the year. For this specialized call we invite you to apply before the 15th of June 2020. The fellowship will be awarded for August 2020.

Go to the offical DAAD Portal and register

Apply on the provided after registeration.

See the given Links belows this page

Need to Apply?

Register online via the DAAD-Portal Here 

Apply online using Here link

Need More Information?

Get More details about the DAAD/NELGA Research Fellowships.

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