Home » Scholarships » ARC Linkage Project PhD Scholarship » ARC Linkage Project PhD Scholarship for International Students at Macquarie University in Australia|2020

ARC Linkage Project PhD Scholarship for International Students at Macquarie University in Australia|2020

by College Reporters Staff
ARC Linkage Project PhD Scholarship at Macquarie University

Application is open for ARC Linkage Project PhD International Scholarship. The river recovery research project is fully funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage program and you will work in collaboration with our industry partners Landcare Australia and NSW Local Land Services (Hunter).

The funding by Australian Research Council (ARC) will be focused on river recovery research due to the incoming signals of geomorphic and vegetation.

About ARC Linkage Project

The river recovery research project is sponsored by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage program where students will work with other Macquarie University team members in collaboration with our industry partners Landcare Australia and NSW Local Land Services (Hunter).

After 200+ years of river degradation our rivers are now showing noticeable signs of geomorphic and vegetative recovery. River recovery is most pronounced in coastal valleys of NSW, Australia. However, foundation science is needed to understand the geomorphic and vegetative processes by which river recovery occurs, its impact on flood flow hydrology for natural flood management, trial new on-ground rehabilitation and vegetation management techniques (including the use of hazard reduction burns).

It will investigate where corridors of recovery are in NSW, where to prioritise rehabilitation and the cost:benefit of working with recovery in river management practice.

Application Deadline

The ARC Linkage Project PhD Scholarship application closes on September 30, 2020.


The scholarship is comprised of the Tuition Fee Offset and a Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (MQRES) Living Allowance/Stipend.

The stipend component of the scholarship is currently valued at AUD $28,092 per annum (2020 rate, tax exempt).

Location: Australia

Degree Level: Doctorate (PhD)

Course/Subject: his position will focus on the research aims of the ARC Linkage project and work on flow hydrology, flood risk, and natural flood management.

There are 5 aims to the ARC Linkage project:

1. What geomorphic recovery are we seeing and why?

2. What has been the role of vegetative recovery?

3. What effect is recovery having on flood flow hydrology for natural flood management?

4. What is the cost:benefit of working with river recovery in practice?

5. What river management options are available to us to work with river recovery?

Requirement and Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this scholarship you will

  • have undergraduate degree from a recognised institution
  • have a Masters by Research (MRes) degree in Hydrology, Geomorphology, Physical Geography, Earth Science, Environmental Science or a related subject.
  • have and maintain a high level of English language proficiency score of 6.5

You must have training or ability in:

  • Fieldwork design and execution
  • Working with historical hydrological datasets, that may be of coarse resolution.
  • Working with large hydrological datasets, that may be of high resolution.
  • Modelling historical flood analysis and future flood forecasting
    Baseline understanding of the geomorphology of river systems.
  • Applications of science in applied contexts – e.g. flood risk assessment and natural flood management.
  • Working as part of an integrative team and with industry partners.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English

Selection Criteria

Selection will be made on the basis of a student meeting the eligibility outlined in section 3.

Eligible candidates will then be ranked according to their Grade Point Average or Weighted
Average Mark (WAM) from their Bachelor Degree.

The award will be offered to a student by a selection Committee chaired by the Director of the RSFAS which will also include the Deputy Director of the RSFAS and the Program Convener.

The RSFAS reserves the right to make no award if it considers there is no applicant of sufficient merit. The RSFAS may also vary the number of awards and/or offer the award at other times in exceptional circumstances or based on the standard of applications or students.

How to Apply

To be considered for the opportunity, applicants must have meet the entry requirement and take admission in a PhD degree program at Macquarie University.

Find a supervisor and have a research prosposal. After being registered, candidates will be automatically considered for this education award.

Need More Information?

For more details, visit the RSFAS Master of Finance Economic Scholarship webpage.

Contact Details
Name: Professor Kirstie Fryirs
Email: kirstie.fryirs@mq.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 9850 8367

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