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10 Helpful Tips to Prepare You for Studying Abroad in Finland

by Omale Philip
10 Helpful Tips to Prepare You for Studying Abroad in Finland

What can you do to help you prepare for studying Abroad in Finland? The thought of packing and moving abroad can be challenging especially when you have no clue of the place you are moving into.

If you are going to Study in Finland, you don’t need to worry as today we have prepare this practical advice to help you prepare to study abroad in Finland. The country is one of the selected study destination offering wide range of English taught Programs in masters, including bachelor degree.

Planning to study abroad in Finland, here are 10 helpful tips that will guide and prepare you for studying in Finland.

Before Going, Search for Funding

Research for your funding options that support studying abroad in Finland. international students pursuing undergraduate and postgraduates degrees will have to pay tuition fees. Knowing your funding options is essential before sending any application form for admission.

Tuition fees at universities in Finland can range between US$1,800 and US$24,500 depending on the degree program and also differ from universities program to program. So when searching for your funding options, be focus on checking if the sponsors-university or organization offers tuition scholarships and waivers to cover best 50-75 percent of the course and program tuition fees.

Apply to Schools

There are several universities you can apply to for studying abroad. Both private and public institutions welcome international students seeking to pursue a degree program in Finland.

If planning on studying abroad in Finland next year, better start applying early or better now as the application of every university varies. Do check on their websites for the closing dates and other information.

Figure Out

Living and studying in Finland doesn’t come easy, once you have apply. You have to figure out your budget this will certainly help and make things a lot easier when you get to Finland.

Then sought to opening Finland international bank account to avoid international transaction and cost using your home bank card. It’s always a good way to spending less since you’ll not be living off the essential needs while you are there.

Take English Language Proficiency Test (If Required)

Check whether you will need to take language proficiency and sending IELTS scores to universities.

If going to require English language proficiency to study abroad in Finland, the test should be taken seriously and consider scoring high to ensure you receive consideration. Schools may take holistic approach in all areas of application which includes college grades, essays, recommendation letters.

Process your Visa and Residence Permit

You will need to process your visa and residence permit as quick as possible because this is one of the bumpy aspect of preparing for studying abroad once you receive an unconditional or conditional offer.

Sort Out your Accommodation and Residence

Your choice of accommodation will depend on your type of person. So consider a student accommodation that best suits you.

You may choose to live away from the campus where shops and supermarkets are nearby making shopping more fun . Also, you may decide to have flatmates as international students, this may sound a no choice but with spacious apartments, its a good choice since you may not have to have a whole building or room to yourself but prefer having other students around just not to make it too quite.

Arrange for Travel

Once you have successfully completed all process, organize for affordable student fligth travel as soon as possible to avoid any possible delay. This is usually the last time consideration but is vital you arrange your travel to study abroad.

Book for flight with a well recognized student travel agency. Make payment for fees to provide you with access to airplane flying to Finland. You may have to search for flight organizer in your country for the best.

Find Part-Time Job (If Interested in Working)

Find and start a part-time jobs, this is sure a good path to earn some extra cash along side your degree study program. This contributes to self development, a good way to develop certain skill that your degree might not be able to teach you while taking your study.

Interns are another option, Universities in Finland organizes internal interns program for students, this offers a short term job opportunities within the university campus for international students who are undertaking a master level degree program in a school.

Discover and Join Student Clubs

Universities is a place for mixed learning in character, morals and meeting people. Take time to find out what student clubs interest you, joining clubs is a great way to meet new people and learn something different-music, sport, writing etc.

If you really want to be all round engaged, these will help you as there are lots of activities student can participate at the Universities in Finland.

Attend Events and Gathering

One way to catch yourself in experiences that are unforgettable is to immerse yourself in students and local gatherings, events. Finding and learning amazing things from the local culutre of the people is lot of fun while studying abroad. Going to places such as Sauna, Koli, Lapland are great adventure if you planning to go study in Finland.


Going to study in some stunning countries in the world such as Finland is a great learning opportunity and adventure. So appreciate and embrace it as you prepare to study abroad in Finland.

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