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University of Graz Erasmus+ International Study Grant For Incoming Students

by College Reporters Staff
Erasmus International Study Abroad Grant

Begin study at University of Graz. Application is now open for the Eramus+ international study abroad grant offered to incoming students by University.

The study grant is for incoming students of the University of Graz Erasmus+ International study program. They will receive a scholarship of € 850 per full month.

The scholarship is always granted for a maximum of 5.5 months by Erasmus + International program

Why Study at University of Graz

The University of Graz was founded in 1585, and is Austria’s second oldest university and one of the largest in the country.

At the university, students can choose from a total of more than 120 studies. Bachelor’s, master’s and joint degree programs, as well as summer schools, provide compatibility with international systems. Selected doctoral programs create an ideal basis for an academic career.

Study Location: Austria

Scholarships/Award Values

  • Erasmus+ international study abroad grant has a value of 30% to 70% of student tuition fee. also includes a travel grant (single payment) depending on the country of origin.
  • The travel grant will be transferred together with the first 70% of the scholarship payment.
  • Exchange students are exempt from tuition fees. Nevertheless, they may be charged small fees on the same basis as local students for costs such as insurance, student unions and the use of miscellaneous material.

Scholarship Application Deadline

Application deadline for Erasmus+ international study grant at the University of Graz closes February 15, 2020 and July 15, 2020 .

Degree Program

Students applying for the Erasmsus+ International Study Program Grant will undertake any course offered by program at the university.

Eligibility And Requirements

To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the eligibility and criteria. Regular students are eligible for funding through the Erasmus+ International program if the student:

  • Have completed at least one year of a first cycle study programme (Bachelor or equivalent) in the field of studies relevant to the Erasmus+ mobility before the start of the mobility.
  • Provide proof of credit eligibility of any course components completed abroad (at least three ECTS credits per month of the study abroad) before the mobility and proof of confirmed credit recognition after the mobility. Irrespective of this minimum academic requirement, students should attend classes amounting to 30 ECTS credits per semester (equivalent to the academic workload of one semester). If the Erasmus+ study abroad period forms part of the preparation of an academic paper (Master’s thesis, Diploma thesis, Dissertation etc.), the ECTS credits awarded by the supervisor for satisfactory progress with this work will be included in the academic workload.
  • Are regular students, who have not yet completed their studies.
    Are enrolled at the University of Graz during the entire stay abroad.

Documentation Required

Please upload the following documents to Mobility-Online:

  • Application form (print-out from Mobility-Online) with photo and signature
  • Motivation letter with academic statement (in English)
  • Study plan
  • Curriculum vitae in table format (in English)
  • Proof of language skills required at the chosen university or universities (please note the minimum requirements of the partner universities!)
  • Transcript of records (from UNIGRAZonline)
  • English letter of recommendation from a teacher of the University of Graz
  • Payment confirmation for deposit of €100 (see details below)
    For applications to several programmes (e.g. Joint Study/ISEP and Erasmus+): Supplementary form for parallel applications in several programmes (see template in the download section)
    NAWI-Graz application supplement: for NAWI-Graz students making simultaneous applications at both universities (see template in the download section)

How to Apply For Erasmus + International Study Grants

To apply for the Erasmus+ international study grants offered by the University of Graz.

Application Process:
To begin the application visit the website.

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