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The increasing costs of college tuition makes it more difficult to graduate college for many outstanding students. Strom & Associates 2020 Academic Scholarship in USA is open to any students who is interested in the funding and is permanent US resident or US citizen.
The Strom & Associates Academic Scholarship 2020 is offered to supports student who will be enrolled in fall 2020 academic year in an accredited community college or university (undergraduate or graduate).
Applicants who submits the best essay focusing on the given topic will be selected by the scholarship committee.
Application Deadline
The Strom & Associates Academic Scholarship application closes July 15, 2020.
The scholarship value is worth a $1,000 scholarship..
Degree Level: Undergraduate and Graduate
Location: United State
Requirements and Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:
- Be any US citizen or permanent US resident.
- Be enrolled in fall 2020 in an accredited community college or university (undergraduate or graduate), earning credits toward a degree (associate, baccalaureate, or graduate).
- Write and submit a written essay on the given topic( see topic below)
- The student must complete the online application. Applications submitted via any other channel will not be considered.
- The applicant must give full rights for the use of the essay to Strom & Associates for any advertising or promotional purposes.
- The student must provide proof of full-time enrollment should his or her essay be selected.
- The winner must consent to the use of his or her picture and other basic information on the winner page of the website.
Please Implement The Following Criteria as well:
- The Essay has to be 1,500 words or less.
- Post the essay to your blog. This can be a student blog on your university website or your own personal blog. If you do not have a blog, you can create one here for free:
- Include at least three “clickable” links to authoritative sources. At least one of these has to go to an article on Stromlawyer’s blog. We added some below to get you started. Feel free to use different posts from our blog archive.
- Please note that the link to must be “clickable,” meaning that it is not enough to simply cite to the post. (Quick tip: In order to make a link clickable, highlight the entire link, click “Command + K” on your keyboard).
- Be sure that you are listed as the author of the essay on the website and that the blog post is set to “public”.
Only submit your own work.
Essay Subject And Format
Write an essay on the following topic:
If you had to submit a family member to a nursing home, what accomodations would you be looking for? Create a check-list of “must-haves” for the nursing home. It should include safety measures and aspects to avoid.
Documentation Required
The following documents will be required with other needed documents to be provided on the website
- Written essay (1,500 words) posted to a blog
- Proof of college enrollments
How to Apply
Do you meet the eligibility and have you enroll admission or about enrolling for the admission and scholarship. follow the steps to register and apply.
Application Procedure
Submit the scholarship application on the website (find link below)
Fill all required information and upload the needed documents
Submit application before the deadline July 15, 2020
Need More Information?
Click Here to Apply, or Get More Information on Strom & Associates Academic Scholarship 2020
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