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Steps to Send IELTS Scores to Universities (Best Guide)

by Omale Philip

Interested in Sending IELTS Scores to Universities, you will need some simple steps to follow to enable you send an IELTS score to schools-universities and colleges. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized test to be taken by non-English speaking country students planning to study abroad in universities.
The test is among the popular standardized chosen test by universities overseas.

If seeking for how to send IELTS scores to universities, it’s really necessary you go through these process and guide to allow you request and send IELTS score to the selected universities. The language proficiency score is one of the requirement for admission application process into some universities and getting the required score is mandatory to receive offer into the top ivy schools. You will have to send your Test Report Forms (TRFs) avialable within 13 days of taking your IELTS exam.

As an essential admission process, you must send IELTS scores to the universities you are applying to. Today in this article, we explain the sending process and steps on how to send IELTS scores to universities and organizations including other information regarding the IELTS score.

If you looking for how to send IELTS scores to universities, colleges, and organizations, you have two process options and steps to help you send the universities your IELTS scores. But, before we list the options and explain the steps of sending IELTS score, lets first answer some questions.

What Is The Cost Of Sending IELTS Score To Universities?

You can get Test Report Forms and send IELTS scores to five selected universities at the process of IELTS registration. Your scores will be sent at no fee to the universities (meaning no cost or charge for sending your scores). However, if you want a test result to be sent to you or other institutions other than the 5 selected universities will attract some fee. Note down, the cost of sending to additional universities varies depending on your country. For residents of Canada, a fee of $20 is charged for each additional university you sending your score to.

How Long Does It Take to Get IELTS Score?

If you have taken the IELTS test and seeking to get your IELTS score. You will get a Test Report Form (TRF) within 13 days of taking the English language proficiency test including your scores.

How Long Are IELTS Results Valid?

Already taken an IELTS test or planning to take the test? Universities and organizations do require that IELTS results should not be more than two (2) years old at the period of application and sending to the institutions. In fact , organizations will not accept your results, therefore you must re-take IELTS test by registering again.

What Is The Minimum IELTS Score Required By Universities?

If planning to send IELTS score to universities, Most institutions expect you to score a minimum of 6.5 score in the IELTS exam and a given band score in the sections will be mentioned. However, your selected course or degree programme do have assigned test score requirements which you must check with the universities. The higher your test scores the better, as schools will accept your application for admission with a minimum score of 6.5.

Can I Get My IELTS Test Re-Marked?

You must be sure you need a re-marking and also did not receive the score you sure expected otherwise it’s recommended to retake the test or find better preparation material to score higher. Otherwise, you can apply for a test to be re-marked (known as Enquiry on Results). Students can select the entire test or a section to be re-marked at the test centre you took the exam.

An Enquiry on Result can be made no later than 6 weeks from the date you attempted the test. You will have to pay a fee and submit a completed and signed form for the IELTS Enquiry on Result. After few days from receipt of documents submitted through email, you will be informed of the re-marked result.

Can I Get A Copy Of IELTS Result?

Sure you can after about 13 days from the test day. you have to log in to the test taker portal. You can also get a hard paper copy of test result sent to you as an addition to the request made to send to selected schools. However, do ensure to protect the copy of result sent to you.

How To Send IELTS Scores to Universities- Sending Steps

In this case you have two processes to request that your IELTS scores be sent to selected universities, the steps are provided to guide you in doing it. The British Council which is the authority body conducting the exam allows students to send IELTS score to five chosen universities of their choice at free cost. Perhaps consider process of sending IELTS to UK universities if this is what you seeking.

We have provided the steps to enable you send requested IELTS scores to universities. You have two options to choose, carefully read through, and follow the one that is best applicable to your search.

Request Sending IELTS Score To Universities During Registration – Option 1

Here you can request IELTS score sending during the registration process. If you prefer making the request during IELTS application form process then follow the steps stated here.

Send IELTS Scores to Univeristies

  • Select And Organize Your List Of Universities You Are Applying

Here you need to have organized your most preferred schools you are applying for admission before registering for the exam. However, British Council allows you to request your TRFs sending to the desired universities after taking the test, if you have not applied to any institution or chosen schools at the date of test registration.

  • Register For IELTS

The British Council is the constitutional authority that administers and oversees the IELTS. You will need to visit the test website and select take exam or look for IELTS registration and click to register for test (all the details you need to register and take the exam are available on the British Council website https://www.britishcouncil.in/exam/ielts.

The test available dates will be provided, you will need to select the date that best fit you to apply

Next, you will need to provide your full details, personal information, email address, residential address, phone number, country of residence/origin and birth date.

Here is an advice, don’t register for test if you are not prepared for it. we advice you to study preparatory material for some months to enable you fully prepare for the exam before embarking to take the test. Next page provide you with

  • Send Your Scores- Select Yes When Asked

At this section of the IELTS registration process, you will need to click on yes if asked to send your scores to institution.
Here if you already know and have organized the universities you applied or applying to. You need to fill a box that will be provided with you selected 5 universities.

  • Provide Correct University Information

The British Council need you to enter the correct and full details of up to 5 universities of your choice. Having your list of organized and preferred universities, carefully type all the university’s necessary information required to enable your test scores sent to the right address.

A large number of universities have enrolled for an IELTS Verification Service which allows them to electronically receive and download sent original copy. But you will need to check if the school accepts copies electronically, so you can send IELTS score electronically to institutions that accept it. Otherwise, your TRF and IELTS test scores hard copies will be sent by the British Council through your test center via mail to desired institutions address

Also, you have the chance to request for additional Test Request Forms (TRFs) if you applied or applying to more than 5 universities. But you need to pay some fee to send each copy TFR to a recognized institution or organization.

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Request IELTS Scores Sending To Schools After Test Result is Released – Option 2

You have the option to send your score by either electronic score report delivery or paper TRF delivery. Before choosing a delivery method. Do follow the steps given to request IELTS scores sending to schools-colleges and universities abroad as international students.

Sending IELTS Scores to Universities

  • Take IELTS Test

When you have successfully completed the process of IELTS registration. You selected date will be allotted to you to take IELTS exam. After your test have be scored, IELTS results will be available 13 days of test. By this period you can log in to the test taker portal with your details and password to access your IELTS result.

  • Choose To Send IELTS Scores to Universities

Now that you have log in to the test taker portal, you can decide to have your original copy IELTS scores sent to selected schools and applied universities abroad. The IELTS score has four section: listening, speaking, writing and reading. The test is scored from 0-9 having 9 as the top score while each section has allocated band score.

A quick note here, now that you have seen the scores if you have performed well and meet the universities IELTS score requirements do go ahead in sending the school the original copy of scores. They will welcome and accept meaningful IELTS scores which will be your admission application process better consideration over competing students submitted application.

Else, you may have to re-take the test some other date. Don’t worry if your next test score will be perfect, all you need is to take more practice material and attend preparatory class that will help improve and better your scores

  • Select Universities, Submit and Make Fee Payment

Since you are requesting to send your IELTS score to universities after the test date. Fill out full information of the list of universities you have applied to

Note: Do carefully check before filling full address of the schools-universities if the institution accept sending IELTS score electronically and are enrolled for the verification services that allow them to receive and download TRF. Else your sending process for your IELTS score will be through another method since the school is not enrolled to IELTS verification service.

Submit your request to send the TRF either electronically or hard paper copy using either courier or normal delivery method (which is an extra cost) adding to the fees charged for you to send paper test report form after the test date to overseas country.

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The final step is to make payment for the fees charged in sending IELTS scores to universities after the test date. Have this in your memory, do ensure the sending process of IELTS scores to universities is complete and the institution receives them before any given deadline as most schools don’t accept late submission of documents needed for admission.

List of Universities Accepting IELTS Scores -Electronically

Here is extra information, if you are interested in sending IELTS score to universities electronically or hard paper copy. These universities accept IELTS scores for students seeking to pursue bachelor, masters and doctorate degree programs. Do check on the IELTS score requirement before selecting the universities in your IELTS registration process.

UK Universities You Can Send Your IELTS Score

  • University College London
  • Lancaster University
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Warwick
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Oxford
  • Cardiff University
  • University of St. Andrews
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Nottingham
  • Newcastle University
  • University of Liverpool

US Universities You Can Send Your IELTS Score

  • California University of Pennsylvania
  • Texas A&M University
  • New York Institute of Technology
  • Utah State University
  • Dakota State University
  • Kent State University
  • Colorado Technical University

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So, if looking for how to send IELTS Score to universities, remember the options available and follow the guides and steps given to help you send IELTS score with ease to the universities you’re applying to or desired institutions abroad.




takeielts.britishcouncil.org – Send IELTS to Universities
yocket.com – Send IELTS Scores To Universities
How To Send IELTS Score To Universities? Easy TRF

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1 comment

Rishit sharma December 9, 2020 - 11:55 AM

Can we send our ielts score after college application and FAFSA. If deadlines are close and we don’t have ielts score because of this corona pandemic then what to do ??


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