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Apply For European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021

by Omale Philip
European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021

Start application for the Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021 organized by the European Parliament and the International Charlemagne Prize Foundation in Aachen. Are you of age 16 to 30, applications are now open for the European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021 if you are working on a project with a European dimension, start applying and stand the chance to be considered for the prestigious prize.

European Charlemagne Youth Prize for the year 2021 application is now open to and awards project which Promote European and international understanding, Foster the development of a shared sense of European identity and integration, Serve as a role model for young people living in Europe and offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community. The projects can focus on the organisation of various youth events, youth exchanges or online projects with a European dimension.

Why Charlemagne Youth Prize

The Charlemagne Youth Prize program organized by the European Parliament and International Charlemagne Foundation is interested in awarding its nationals, residents in EU with project which promote European international understanding, development of exchanged sense of identity.

Application Deadline

Application for Charlemagne Youth Prize closes on February 01, 2021.

Requirements For Charlemagne Youth Prize

The eligibility criteria for the youth prize, requires applicants to be

  • Candidates must be between 16 and 30 years old and must be citizens or residents of an EU Member State.
  • Candidates can apply, either individually or in groups; in the case of group and cross-border projects, the project can only be submitted in one country which is closely linked to the project.
  • Project should promote European and international understanding, foster the development of a shared sense of European identity and integration.
  • The projects can focus on the organisation of various youth events, youth exchanges or online projects with a European dimension


The prize for the best project is 7,500 EUR, the second, 5,000 EUR and the third 2,500 EUR.

One representative of each of the national winning projects will be invited to the award ceremony on 11 May 2021 and a stay of several days in Aachen, Germany.

As part of the prize, the laureates will be invited to visit the European Parliament (in Brussels or in Strasbourg).

The prizes for the best three projects will be presented by the President of the European Parliament and representatives of the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen.

Evaluation criteria

Projects will be evaluated according to the following principles:

they must fulfil the objectives of the competition: promote European and international understanding; foster the development of a shared sense of European identity and offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community

priority will be given to projects created jointly by young people representing several Member States

attention will be given to projects carried out on a voluntary basis
Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of the above rules.

Selection Process

The selection process for winners of the European Charlemagne Youth Prize will be in two-phases.
1. National juries consisting of at least two Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and one youth organisation representative select one national winner per EU Member State by 15 March 2021.

2. The European jury, which consists of three MEPs, the President of the European Parliament and four representatives of the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen select the winner from all national winning projects submited by national juries in April 2021.

The European jury decision is final. The jury reserves a right to reject any entry that does not comply with the requirements of the competition.

The organisers cannot be held responsible for the cancellation, postponement or modification of the competition due to unforeseen circumstances.

Documentation Required

All applications submitting an application must include the following information:

Applicant’s surname and first name (or surname and first name of the responsible contact in the case of a group or organisation)
Country of residence
Date of birth
E-mail address
Telephone number
Website (if available)
Title of the project
Summary in English, French or German
Complete description of the project in any of the official EU-languages
Declaration of EU funding
Only projects submitted through the online form will be accepted.

How To Apply For European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021

The European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021.

Applications must be submitted online via the website of the European Charlemagne Youth Prize (link is given below).

Need To Apply?

Apply Here, Click and Visit the European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021 official website.

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