Home » Competitions » Call for Application: Ms. Geek Ghana 2020 Competition for Young Ghana Students

Call for Application: Ms. Geek Ghana 2020 Competition for Young Ghana Students

by Omale Philip
Ms. Geek Ghana 2020 Competition

Win a fantastic award, apply for the Ms. Geek Ghana Competition 2020 an opportunity for young Ghanaian ladies.

The Ms. Geek Ghana 2020 calls for application for the second edition of the Ms. Geek Ghana Competition. where the best ICT solutions/ideas will be picked for the final contest. The Geek competition is aimed at inspiring more girls into taking up Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education and careers to meaningfully contribute to solving the continent’s challenges using technology.

The Ms. Geek Ghana 2020 Competition  will recognize top 10 ICT solution finalist who are young female Ghanaians to undergo an intensive weeklong training program to equip them with better presentation, voice, public speaking and

About MS Geek Ghana Competition

In 2019, the first Ms. Geek Ghana Competition was organized by the Ministry of Communications after adopting the Ms. Geek Africa concept where eligible young ladies submitted concepts aimed at solving everyday community problems through technological innovations in the Ghanaian society.

The experience to be gained from the Ms. Geek Ghana Competition will provides all finalists the opportunity to compete and collaborate among peers as well as participate in the Transform Africa Summit (TAS) where they interact with industry leaders and their governments.

HINTS: The winner of Ms. Geek Ghana 2019, Ms. Selasi Ama Domi-Kuwornu developed an Electronic Pilfering in Mobile Money (Kasa-Cash System) concept , an innovative solution which seeks to protect Ghanaians especially the underprivileged who were illiterate and were duped or defrauded by associates who could be close relations whilst using their mobile money applications.

While the winner of the Miss Geek Africa 2019 competition designed a mobile platform that can enable expectant mothers to monitor their health during pregnancy. The platform is connected to a smart bracelet, which checks the woman’s vital signs and sends them to an emergency service provider in real time.

Application Deadline

The application deadline for the Ms. Geek Ghana Competition 2020 for Young Ghana Students closes by June 12, 2020 on Friday at 5:00 PM.


The competition will award successful finalist the value covering

  • A cash prizes
  • An IT devices (laptop)
  • A trip to an international technology conference
  • A weeklong intensive training program
  • Receive business training

Opportunity Type: Competition (Award)

Requirements and Eligibility Criteria

Who is eligible for the fund, and should apply for the Ms. Geek Ghana 2020 Competition

  • Applicants must be female
  • Be a young girl or woman of age 13 – 21 years
  • Be a citizen of Ghana
  • Candidates must be available in Ghana between May to September, 2020 for selection and training.
  • The best 10 solutions/concepts will be selected to participate in the finals. The 10 finalists will go through a weeklong training, followed by two rounds of presentation where the top 3 will be chosen and Ms. Geek Ghana 2020 crowned in an event.

NOTE: The solution must be original or an improvement to existing solutions.


The application must include the following:

  1. Description of the problem you want to solve
  2. How you will solve it
  3. A conceptual design
  4. what technologies you are using/need to develop the concept
  5. The population group it will positively affect
  6. How content will be generated, and shared.
  7. In developing the concept note, applicants must consider how many Ghanaians and or Africans have limited access to internet/smart devices.
  8. A graphical presentation to accompany your concept note, demonstrating how the solution will work and an example of its user interface.

How to Apply

Do you meet requirement and criteria above and need to submit an application for Ms. Geek Ghana Competition 2020. Follow the procedure below

Application Procedure

Please indicate your interest. The application process are

Deadline for submission is Friday 12th June, 2020, at 5:00 p.m.

Need to Apply?

  1. The candidates must fill a downloaded application form (Download Here) or Get Application Form Here.
  2. Completely fill application form with all personal informationsin and an ICT solution/concept.
  3. Save Completely filled Ms. Geek Ghana application form as PDF using your name as the title.
  4. Submit the completed application form using any of the following mediums provided below:

Email to msgeek@moc.gov.gh and attach any supporting documents

Upload the completed application form and any supporting documents Here. OR

In person or by post:

To Ms. Geek Secretariat, P. O. Box M38, 6th Floor, MOC Office Complex. Abdul Diouf Road, Ridge. Accra.

Need More Information?

Get More details on the Ms. Geek Ghana Competition 2020

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