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Each year high school students in millions of number apply to colleges for admission. The number of students enrolled into colleges is expected to be more by 2o22, while numbers of international students applying for admission into universities abroad are also increasing.
The university admissions process can be tedious, with multiple steps in application for an admission such as registration on university website, payment of application fees, standardized tests, submit application essays, personal statement, letter of recommendation, academic transcript etc and interviews.

An alarming trend that is currently of concern is the growing number of international students that apply for admission in universities abroad, a larger number of college applications in general.
Important Questions You Must Ask Yourself
Answer these questions before apply for admission abroad
- Which country are you interested in studying?
- Are you interested in enrolling at a national or private university?
- Have you listed the universities you interested to study or apply?
- What program are you choosing to study: undergraduate or graduate?
- What are the requirements or documents needed for study?
- Do you have details of the cost of study and the program of choice in the universities?
- Do you have the finance or you seeking finance?
- Are you interested in direct admission or scholarships and grants
After answering the questions above, you should now have a few details and information about studying in a college or university abroad, how to apply for admission in universities abroad. and you will have an easier time narrowing your list of schools after you conduct some research.
Universities Abroad
There are hundreds of thousand universities abroad to apply for admission, a choice of university and country of study is the first decision you need to take. Choosing a foreign country for study can be a choice that is hard or confusing, except you are guided in choice making. There are lots of countries for an international student to study, explore because they have different languages, distinct cultural diversity, meals climates and topography.

International students make choices of universities abroad on different reason or opportunity given to them. Those with self fund from family or loved ones could easily make a choice of country or university. While those with scholarship or grant offer, have less choice as the grant or scholarship limits them to a particular country and university.
Many universities abroad are ranked top in world university ranking, because of the high standard in study and learning, availability of facilities to ease study, research centres and available courses. These make the universities abroad to become prestigious. The challenges with these universities is difficulty in entry and the cost of study are high.
Studying in these prestigious and top ranked universities abroad is great, but affording the cost of study is a challenge. These leaves the student who are financially and academically fit to study in the university or those with good academic performance and sponsored by government or organisation to study in the university.
While the other students study in the universities abroad that have less cost of study and ease in admission entry. NOTE: you need to research about the college or university of interest to know the cost of study, and other fees required from you to study.
Countries to Study Abroad
Choosing a country to study is another choice as there are several countries to study abroad. Majority of international students study in Europe countries while others study in Asia countries. countries like Canada, United State, Australia, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Scotland, Newcastle, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, France, China.
Read: Best Countries International Students Consider for Degree Study.

Some of these countries have universities with low tuition fees and living cost in the country cities are less. You will need to research about the country of interest you want to study to know about cost of living, it’s universities and the cities.
Read: Best Countries International Students Consider for Degree Study.

Some of these countries have universities with low tuition fees and living cost in the country cities are less. You will need to research about the country of interest you want to study to know about cost of living, it’s universities and the cities.
Apply for Admission
To apply for admission in universities abroad, requires you to choose a study program in the university you interested and apply for that program. There are different program available in the university; bachelor, master, PhD.
Each year, the college admissions process most often begins at summer for autum session. International students may be required to take TOEFL, IELTS, GRE or one of several English-language proficiency tests to apply for admission.
Teacher’s recommendations and transcript are needed to apply, mailing your transcripts to the university chosen .
Teacher’s recommendations and transcript are needed to apply, mailing your transcripts to the university chosen .
Most university will have made admission acceptance decisions by April for the program of study: undergraduate and graduate program
Programs in Universities Abroad
There are several programs in universities abroad for students to study, courses are chosen for the programs of study.
Read: Best Ways International Students Study Abroad
Read: Best Ways International Students Study Abroad
- Bachelor Program
The bachelor program is taken to obtain a bachelor degree. This programme is taken for a period of at least four years at university with a study in the course of your choice and
- Master Program
Master program is taken to obtain a master degree and is taken after a bachelor program. For a master degree to be pursued a bachelor degree certificate is required. You may want to know some Reasons Masters Degree is Important
Documents Required to Apply for Admission
- Academic Transcript
A transcript is a document that give details of your academic performance, the grades obtained in the subjects taken through out your studies. This document is requested for by the school you are applying for a program study.
You will need to present this document as part of the application process to your prospect university abroad. If you will take a program abroad, the university where you attended courses will send a complete record of your grade course to the university you applying to take a study.
- Letter of Recommendation
The letter of recommendation gives a better picture of you among the numerous application submitted and undergoing review by the admission team. As an attached document for the application process that gives a picture you, attribute posses, and skills. If an applicant does not submit a good letter of recommendation, that may affect the application submitted.
Read: How to Get a Letter of Recommendation| College Admission
Read: How to Get a Letter of Recommendation| College Admission
Keep in mind to choose wisely who will write you a recommendation and give all necessary details to your teacher to help write opportunity to write a great letter. Once you ask, this pretty much becomes out of your control, so you need to make sure you set yourself up for success.
You don’t have much control writing a letter of recommendation, as it is written by the teacher or professor you choose to write you a recommendation. so choose wisely, one of the best tips for this portion of your application, and this is really important, is to make sure you ask whomever you choose if they’d be willing to write you a positive letter of recommendation, and give them plenty of time.
- Proof of Residence
International student applying for admission need to provide proof of national or residence, this proofs that applicant is from a particular country.
Other Documents Required
- An Essay
Writing an essay as part of your admission application process is another great opportunity for you to show the team in charge of admission, who you really are.
Re-writing a resume or transcript is one of the biggest mistakes students make when writing their admissions essay. The team of admin will have your resume and transcript if these documents are to be submitted along, having three documents almost or having the same content is not good enough for an admission application. So you are possibly giving away your chances of admission offer in this portion of your application, if all you do is write your resume in narrative form.
The admissions officers want to know you, who you are, not your family and members of your family. So with an essay, they should have a really good sense of who you are and what your motivations are.
Check for grammar and spelling mistakes, do a proofreading and get someone else to do this for you also to eliminate all possible errors. Obviously you know that your essay should be polished. If the admission officers are on the fence, often times they turn to essay on choice and selection of student.
- Resume and Passport
College Application and Admissions Process
Conduct a preliminary research on the various school website. You can review individual schools’ websites and any other website providing information about specific colleges and universities.
A good research will help you take of from your list schools you consider were good previously. Many students rushed to make a decision about which college or university to attend.

Before filling out college applications forms carefully review application requirements, as it can be disheartening receiving rejection letters. Some schools may have minimum ACT/SAT score and GPA requirements.
Before submitting an application, it’s good to find out what admission committees will take into consideration before making their decision.
Admission committees will also consider extra-curricular activity involvement and community service participation before making their admission decisions. After reviewing the admission requirements, you may further narrow the list of schools you have interest in attending. It’s also very important to know when applications are due because many schools will not review applications after deadlines.