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10 Tech Skills Every Aspiring Entrepreneur Graduate Need to Have

by Omale Philip
Tech Skills Every Aspiring Entrepreneur Need to Have

There is one thing you need to know to enable you succeed, developing essential and demanded technical skills to be an effective entrepreneur. Our world era is requiring new skills from workers, graduate students which our education systems today are in some respects, failing to help the students developed the needed skills by employers.

Planning to become an Entrepreneur? you will need to develop some set of demanded technology-technical skills to enable you stand out. So today our team of staff have researched the tech skills you need to have to enable you succeed.

Do Entrepreneurs Need Technical Skills and Knowledge?

Finding talented workers with technology knowledge and putting them to work is the key to absolute business success. Being an entrepreneurs with technical skill that can make a business grow to the next level is a great achievement.

Technical skills are important for every entrepreneur. But in addition to knowing these technical skills, you must be able to synthesize them in such a way that you can drive your business to greater success.

Who is a Good Young Entrepreneur?

An a good young aspiring entrepreneur is an individual who can create a new business, take most of the risks and gaining most of the benefits and rewards. Such entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.

The entrepreneurs play the role of setting up business, identifies and solvle challenges, a challenger, innovator, opportunist, goal getter, creative with thee mind of making profits from the entrprise.

Why Entrepreneurs Need Technical Skills

Our fast developing world is known for technology. The new era now allow both geeks and self-professed individuals to developed skills in their discipline, every students and aspring entrepreneur need to master some set to tech skills to be able to perform excellently.

Are you prepared? being an entrepreneur in today’s fast paced world full with technologies is becoming more complicated because our world today demand new skillsets-technical skills.

Here Are 10 Modern Technical Skills Every Aspiring Entrepreneur  and Graduate Need To Have

S/N Technical Skills Needed by Entrepreneur
1. Big Data
2. Search Engine Optimization
3. The Cloud
4. Graphic Design
5. Digital Marketing
6. Social Media Managing
7. Email and Mobile
8. Wireframing
9. Coding (HTML and CSS)
10. 3D Printing

Big Data

There is more than the two word (Big Data). Our society is surrounded by big data in every digital process and social media exchange that takes place. Speaking of big data and science-it’s going to be larger and more mainstreamed a technology advances forward.

Knowing how to use it to your advantage is important, when speaking of big data. The knowledge allows you to be more informed and make effective business decisions as you network and understand your clients/clients needs and preferences.

This tech skill will enable you create impactful, original contents and personal campaigns allow conversion of traffics into sales.

Starting from the basic knowledge of big data to a large idea allows you to know everything including both complex programming and fundamentals of big data. The skill is one of the most demanded technology skills for any aspiring entrepreneurs and graduates.

Also Read: Here are 10 Career Paths You Can Pursue With a Master’s in Business Analytics & Big Data

Search Engine Optimization

Many websites owners and businesses seek to to have their website diplayed on the first page of the top search engines.
You too should take it into consideration and serious if some don’t.

A rich SEO content on a website is capable of increasing and driving traffic to your site. If you are a startup or aspiring entrepreneur, this tech skill is needful and important because there is lot difference bwtwwen implementing SEO an propere implementing

The Cloud

To stay more competitive you need to dicover and use new business models. Today, data storage in The Cloud is now the new way to keep your data, files and documents. So developing knowledge of puting your data in The Cloud is necessary, where you will need to start basically by puting your data in Salesforce, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

You will be able to network and collaborate efficiently with colleagues and improve security when you have and understanding of the cloud

3D Printing

The world today has made 3D printing a completely revolutionized product construction and produce.
Social Media Management. If you are interested in prototype, the 3D printing technology will help you to produce small affordable prototypes.

Many universities have support the innovation for 3D printing allocating space for 3D printers and helping their students develop the technical skills in building prototypes

Email and Mobile

This may not look like it, but if you take a rethink on online presence and communication then you will understand the need to have this skills.

Learn how to manage your email inbox and using this tool to create effective communication.

This technology skills is needed when you get into the marketing part of your business if you love to stay ahead of communication, receive feedbacks.

Mobile marketing strategy skill is one of the must have skills as the century is mobile friendly and demand you reach more customers and grow bigger by generating mre money through mobile devices.

Deciding to learn new technology skills is an excellent way to stay fresh as entrepreneur, keep making your money and wacth your business grow rapidly.


You may fell lonely at first as developing tech skills, but as yu go down the path of entrepreneur you discover there are team of entrepreneur with tech skills you need to network to get you on the way. When followed critically your developed websites allow visitors to easily use and navigate within the site.

This is one tech skills any budding entrepreneur should seek to have. When you function in team, you will be valued for the skills possessed.

Graphic Design

How are you going to get the attention of customers or investors to your products and services? Yes your are correct if your answers is through designs, company logo.

You can have a fantastic business idea, innovative product and nice business name. However, you also need the have good designs to start.

The way out is to lean to design using popular design softwares like Photoshop, Coral draw, Illustrator. At least learn the basics of graphic designs using one of the softwares for logo of your business.

Coding (HTML and CSS)

Coding may be complex, but in this new era and century coding is very much needed. Learning and understanding the basics of coding, programing languages such as HTML and CSS is needful.

Every aspiring entrepreneur need to have a least some graphs of this skill as it’s one of the popular core tech code for displaying web pages. While additional coding like Java will help creat attracting, beautiful site.

At start learning to code may not be interesting, rather look more like a bunch of syntax having brackets. But as you progress, you will find the fun from writing a simple code to debuging/editing some set of code.

Paying a developer is a good option. But, it’s nice and interesting to pick up your computer and fix or code thing you prefer saving some extra cash to get a programmer to come fix little things.

Social Media Managing

If you really need to get audience and attentions of customers, investors from popular social media platforms, the best way to go about this is to build a a good business brand network and having an online presence.

Alot of entrepreneurs who are providing products and services take to social media as part of their business marketing strategy. You too should do same as startup whether you are producing a particular products or a service-based entrepreneur.

The platforms offers lot’s of opportunity to reach out to potential customers. If you can’t afford owning a websites, the social media websites provide remarkably effective communication with good contact us, where people can reach out to your company.

However, the platforms love to change their look by intergrating more powerful navigation. So you may have to keep up with the time to ensure you have your brand out reaching many people who may have interest in your products and services compare to offline customers.

How to Become a Young Entrepreneur ( Tips That Do Help)

Do you dream of starting your own business? having your own business means alot as you absolutely own everything and decide how to grow your company.

Many graduate want to be their own boss, but can’t see the few obstacles that will get in their path to achieving their goal.

According to www.SmallBizzTrends.com abouth 82 percentage of successful entrepreneurs and business owners fet they had the right qualification and proper experience to run their company.

To help you with plan of becoming a young entrepreneur or business owner. this tips to becoming a young entrepreneurs will help.

Identify a Need in the Market

Do you have an idea? this question may look common but is one of the obvious and most valuable tip to become young entrepreneur.

Don’t overlook because the considered among one reasons may startup fail. When you identify an idea/gap that need to be filled it’s very important because is not about doing what others might be doing buth doing something different or doing something but in a different unique way to get a more appealing product or service.

The only way out is brainstorming to enable you light up the bulb. It might feel like you’re stuck but having a rest/break can enable you get the idea.

Identify Your Audience

Everyone is never an audience for business. Ok a quick hint here- having a demograph of who are likely going to get interest in your products or services is the what it simply mean. So identify who those people might be to enable you reaching out to the right people

Taking a market research is one way to find out the needs, wants, your target audience an their possible behaviours. By so doing you will be able to best present your product and service to them.

Concrete and Firm Business Plan

One road to becoming a entrepreneurs is with skills to grow a business is when you have a clear aim and mission. This is very important and should be taken seriously if you ever want to own a business.

Your business will have all details of your business, name, aims, mission, locations, cost and several other details.

Do a Test of Your Idea

Testing your idea in a small way can help you really get to know if your business idea will skyrocket and the possible amendment that need to be done before going fully into the market.

Some graduate students and aspiring entrepreneurs have the opportunity to test their ideas through programmes, mentors supports.

Having an overall business or entrepreneural skills will enable you sharpen your business and discover the market trends and opportunities.

You will be able to drive your business forward with the help of some of the technical skillsets aquired as startup and entrepeneur.

Build and Grow a Strong Network

There are lots of people out there that can offer their knowledge, ideas and share experiences- starting from colleagues, classmates, friends, senior staffs.

Take advantage of networking opporunities to have a strong cirlce of business influencers who are willing to support and help grow your business.

You may not start in a professional setting, but friend, events, short programmes, internships are good platforms to network because just getting to know your peers on a casual level can transform into a professional working relationship.

Have Your Fund and Finance Set

Having a good financial knowledge and plan is important. You might not have all the money (finance and funding) at the moment. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be smart when it comes to fund that you do need when starting up your business.

An all round knowledge of managing all finances is very important in the business and prepares you as an entrepreneur for every possible opportunities to help keep your business expanding.


If you desire your own startup business to grow and be successful, You are going to need the right technology skills. There are great benefits of knowing or having these tech skills as they can be used to assist your business to a good extend.

Learning these new skillset is an excellent way as an young aspiring entrepreneur to get your business off the ground to the next level.

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https://www.entrepreneur.com – 8 Tech Skills Entrepreneurs Must Have to Succeed

https://www.topuniversities.com -7-tech-skills-every-aspiring-entrepreneur-needs

https://www.alphagamma.eu -5 Most Important Tech Skills to Have as Entrepreneur

https://www.forbes.com – 8 Technical Skills Modern Entrepreneurs Should Pick Up

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