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ARES Masters Scholarships and Training Program in Belgium 2021/2022 for Students From Developing Countries

by College Reporters Staff
ARES Masters and Training Scholarships Program

Do you seek to pursue studies in Belgium? ARES Masters and Training Scholarships 2021/2021 for students from developing countries to study in in Belgium is now open.

The Masters Funding and Training Scholarship program allows you a national of a southern country, holder of a master’s degree, you have professional experience and you want to specialize by pursuing studies in Belgium?

The ARES Masters and Training Scholarships program in Belgium offers you the chance to pursue a one-year specialised master’s degree programme or a 4-to-6-month advanced training course within a higher education institution of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Belgium.

Application Deadline

Applications for the ARES Masters Scholarships and Training Program in Belgium closes 15 January and 5 February 2021.

Location: Belgium

Duration: Full duraton of selected programme

Degree Level Type: Masters degree, Training program

About ARES Masters Scholarships and Training Program in Belgium

Each year, ARES grants an average of 150 scholarships as part of the master’s program, and 70 grants for training courses, to citizens from countries in the global South.

The Minister for Development Cooperation and the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation entrust the Belgian Higher Education Institutions within the framework of the Belgian policy for development cooperation, with the preparation of Postgraduate Programmes (Advanced Masters) and Training Programmes that are specifically oriented towards young professionals from developing countries.

The ARES masters and training program are open to all international students who satisfy the conditions of qualification, but aim at proposing training units that distinguish themselves by their openness towards specific development issues.


What is the financial support provided?

Amount/Value For Master’s Scholarship Programme

Fund Type Value Value Amount
International travel costs Receipts must be provided Economy-class travel on an IATA-approved airline, one round-trip ticket.
Living allowance
Flat rate

1150 €/month for a duration of 12 months.
Indirect mission fees Flat rate 150 €. This amount is given once per stay, upon arrival of the grantee.
Arrival allowance, tuition and return fees Flat rate 700 €. This amount is given once per stay, upon arrival of the grantee.
Registration fees At the current rate for DGD grantees.
Insurance fees Directly paid by ARES.
Travel costs that are part of inter-university training Receipts must be provided Reimbursed based on real costs incurred, with receipts provided.

Amount/Value For Training Course Programme

Fund Type Value Value Amount
International travel costs Receipts must be provided Economy-class travel on an IATA-approved airline, one round-trip ticket.
Living allowance
Flat rate
  • 83 €/day for stays lasting 8 to 17 days
  • 1400 €/month for stays lasting 18 days to 1 month (set amount)
  • 1400 €/month for stays lasting 1 to 6 months, prorated to the number of days
Indirect misssion fees Flat rate 150 €. This amount is given once per stay, upon arrival of the grantee.
Insurance fees Directly paid by ARES.
Travel expense in the framework of inter-university training Receipts must be provided Reimbursed based on real costs incurred, with receipts provided.

ARES Specialized Master’s Programs 2021/2022

Are you interested in study in Belgium and help your country reap the benefits!? Have a look at the list of master’s programs and training courses financed by ARES.

  • Master de spécialisation en développement, environnement et sociétés
  • Master de spécialisation en droits de l’homme
  • Master de spécialisation en gestion des ressources aquatiques et aquaculture
  • Master de spécialisation en gestion des risques et des catastrophes
  • Master de spécialisation en gestion intégrée des risques sanitaires dans les pays du Sud (GIRISS)
  • Specialized Master in International and development Economics
  • Master de spécialisation en médecine transfusionnelle
    Specialized Master in Microfinance
  • Master de spécialisation en production intégrée et préservation des ressources naturelles en milieu urbain et péri-urbain
  • Specialized Master in Public Health Methodology
  • Master de spécialisation en sciences de la santé publique – méthodes de recherche appliquées à la santé globale
  • Master de spécialisation en sciences et gestion de l’environnement dans les pays en développement
  • Master de spécialisation en transport et logistique

ARES Training Programme in Belgium 2021/2022

  • Stage en contrôle et assurance qualité des médicaments et produits de santé
  • Stage en système d’information géographique
    Stage méthodologique en appui à l’innovation en agriculture familiale
  • Stage d’initiation à la recherche pour le renforcement des systèmes de santé

Requirements/Eligibility For The ARES Masters Scholarships and Training Programme in Belgium

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirement for a request/application to be valid and accepted.

  • Applicants must originally be a citizen/national from a developing country.
  • Applicants must be under the age of 40 for master degree courses and under 45 for training programmes at the time the programme is scheduled to begin at Belgium.
  • Only applicants who are nationals of the following countries are eligible to apply for scholarships ARES: Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia ( only for courses in English ), Haiti, Madagascar, Morocco, Niger, Peru, Philippines, DR Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Vietnam ;
  • Applicants with demonstratable relevant professional experience in a developing country of at least two years after completing his / her second cycle or three years after the end of his / her studies when the candidate holds a post-graduate diploma a university in an industrialized country;
  • Applicants who holds a diploma comparable to a diploma of the second cycle of Belgian university education. However, for certain types of training, different requirements may be set out, which will be specified below;
  • Applicants need have a good knowledge of written and spoken French. For courses organized in another language, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the language of the course, written and spoken. The candidate will also be asked to commit to learning French in order to participate in everyday life in Belgium;
  • Applicants must apply for only one degree or training course.

How To Apply For ARES Masters and Training Scholarships Program

The procedure to apply for an ARES master and training programme grant is now online via the GIRAF application platform

Application deadline: 5 February 2021 at the latest

Visit the application portal and click Start an application for masters and training programs

Create an account and login, you will be provided with forms to fill. Applying for an ARES grant is totally free. ARES does not charge fees at any stage of the application nor selection process

Please Note:

Your application form will not be considered and accepted if they (are): sent in by post, e-mail or fax. The procedure now takes place entirely online via GIRAF platform

incomplete application or submitted outside of the application deadline stated;

Please note that applications for the following internships must be submitted via GIRAF by 15 January 2021

  • Stage en système d’information géographie,
  • Stage en contrôle et assurance qualité des médicaments et produits de santé and
  • Stage en initiation à la recherche pour le renforcement des systèmes de santé.

Need To Apply?

Click Here, Visit and Apply for the ARES Masters Scholarships and Training Program 2020/2021

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Reference: https://www.ares-ac.be/en -ARES Masters and Training Scholarships in Belgium 2020/2021

https://www.afterschoolafrica.com-Funded ARES Masters and Training in Belgium


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